[ROM][4.4.4][Unofficial][Carbon Rom] Build2 [CANCRO] for Xiaomi Mi3

About Carbon

CarbonRom is an aftermarket firmware based on the Android Open Source Project. We are dedicated to fast, stable, and feature-filled roms, honesty and communication with our users, and openness with our code. We like frequent builds, with the very latest and greatest hardware support and fixes. We strive to not only provide you with the best rom we can build, but also to give back to the Android community and our fellow developers. For us, this is about creating something we can be proud of and hope you will enjoy.

Please feel free to look at, build, and use our code onCarbonDev GitHub. and on our Gerrit CarbonDev Gerrit.

We would like to thank CyanogenMod for their device trees, framework/settings mods and their code that was incorporated into this project. We also extend our gratitude to the devs whose code that we have incorporated. Proper authorship has been maintained and can be viewed on our repository.

Special thanks also go to Slim Rom for some of their features, PA, AOKP, and anyone else we may have borrowed commits from that hasn't been mentioned here. If you feel you have been unfairly left out, please - let us know.

While we make every effort to test these builds as much as possible, we are not responsible for anything that may happen to your device, family, pets, or perception of reality. We ask that you do your part to know your device and know how to recover from problems before you flash! If you have questions, ask your fellow users or ask us in #teamcarbon on freenode IRC. 


All of our features can be found on our site here:

Carbon Features

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All issues present in CM


Device Tree


Carbon Team
CyanogenMod Team
@varun.chitre15 @qiwu for CyanogenMod device Tree for Mi3 (Thanks a Lot)

XDA:DevDB Information

Carbon Rom, ROM for the Xiaomi Mi 3



ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat

ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x

ROM Firmware Required: Kitkat 4.4.x

Version Information

Status: Beta

Current Beta Version: Build 2

Beta Release Date: 2014-09-01

Created 2014-08-28

Last Updated 2014-09-01



01/08/2014 merged with @varun.chitre15 beta device tree (sensors fixed)


*Varun Chitre - cancro: improve thermal-engine and core controlling
*Varun Chitre - cancro: fix thermal-engine
*Varun Chitre - Revert "cancro: Update sec_config from miui"

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_fm
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: Superuser
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_vendor_carbon
*neatchee - Add APN for Tele2 4G
*neatchee - Add APNs for Claro (Panama)

Project name: proprietary_vendor_xiaomi
*Varun Chitre - cancro: fixup sensor hal

Project name: android_system_core
*Sravan Kumar Ambapuram - healthd: increase healthd fast timer to 10mins instead of 1min

Project name: android_packages_services_Telephony
*kaiyiz - TeleService: Prompt user the fixed dialing number can’t be empty
*kaiyiz - Phone: The option should be clickable after pressing OK
*Qiang Chen - Phone: Removing the unreachable call forward option
*kaiyiz - Settings: DUT can register on a forbidden network operator
*kaiyiz - Phone: Disbale the network item and update the titile
*Qiang Chen - Phone: Add one dialog to prompt the SIM is turned off
*kaiyiz - Phone: Prompt port number invalid when the port number length too long
*kaiyiz - Phone: It should stay at Sip account details interface after unlock phone
*kaiyiz - Phone: PIN2 shouldn't be seen when make passwords invisible
*kaiyiz - Phone: Fix forced closure when change language during adding SIP account

Project name: android_packages_providers_ContactsProvider
*Roman Birg - ContactProvider: add another check for local accounts

Project name: android_packages_providers_MediaProvider
*Adnan - MediaProvider: Structure and sanitize input in AUDIO_FOLDER logic from CAF.
*kaiyiz - MediaProvider: Make folder music change when delete music
*Likai Ding - MediaProvider: support streaming bookmark
*kaiyiz - MediaProvider: Add feature to support group music by folder path
*wjiang - MediaProvider: Avoid issue of android.process.media stop

Project name: android_packages_apps_ThemeChooser
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Contacts
*Roman Birg - Contacts: place local contacts in a special local account

Project name: android_packages_apps_DeskClock
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Tag
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_UnifiedEmail
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_SoundRecorder
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Roman Birg - SoundRecorder: only look for source files in src

Project name: android_packages_apps_Settings
*Michael Bestas - Settings: Improve touch sensivity string
*Xiao-Long Chen - Settings: HighTouchSensitivity support
*Danny Baumann - Settings: Fix alignment of print settings icon
*Roman Birg - Settings: add key to USB Storage Unmount option
*Michael Bestas - Settings: Remove leftover from old theme chooser

Project name: android_packages_apps_CMFileManager
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Email
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Browser
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_CarbonFibers
*Myself5 - Carbon Fibers: Add German Translation

Project name: android_packages_apps_VoicePlus
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Bluetooth
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Camera2
*Danny Baumann - Fix menu button margins.
*Michael Bestas - Camera: Fix filtering of unsupported camcorder color effects

Project name: android_packages_apps_Mms
*Scott Mertz - mms: Fix NPE when attaching slides

Project name: android_frameworks_opt_hardware
*Xiao-Long Chen - Hardware: Add high touch sensitivity support

Project name: android_frameworks_base
*Clark Scheff - Themes: Fix native crash in libandroidfw
*Roman Birg - frameworks: add persistent notification when USB OTG is connected
*kaiyiz - Keyguard: Can't enter PIN code when setting the SIM and PIN lock issue
*Roman Birg - Revert "SystemUI: don't show eq tile while casting"

Project name: android_frameworks_av
*Steve Kondik - stagefright: Fix 24-bit WAV
*Scott Mertz - stagefright: stop audio source if player fails to start
*Scott Mertz - stagefright: Move to 64 available tracks

27/08/2014 Initial Release

Source :Here

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